Become a Bicycle Touring Pro advertiser and have your product/service seen by tens of thousands of bicycle enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers. is the world’s #1 most popular international bicycle touring website and has a very loyal readership. The site is viewed by more than 40,000 people each and every month and is one of the few websites that revolves almost exclusively around the world of bicycle travel. As a result, it represents a unique opportunity for those wanting to give their product or service the chance to reach this niche group of adventurers.
If you target an audience interested in any of the below or related topics, an advertising campaign with may work well for you.
- Bicycle Touring
- Guided & Self-Guided Bike Tours
- World Travel
- Self-Supported Travel
- Adventure Sports
- Eco-Tourism
Most Of Our Readers Are From:
- United States
- United Kingdom
- Canada
- Australia
- Germany
- Singapore
- India
- New Zealand
- Ireland
- Nearly every other country in the world
Click here to see what people are saying about Bicycle Touring Pro
The map below represents the current Bicycle Touring Pro readership. Areas in dark blue are the locations with the highest number of visitors.
The world’s most popular how-to bicycle travel platform:
- Unique monthly visitors: 30,000+
- Unique annual visitors: 350,000+
- Email Newsletter Subscribers: 8,000+
- Facebook Followers: 42,000+
- Twitter Followers: 10,000+
- YouTube Subscribers: 99,000+
- Instagram Followers: 49,000+
Traditional On-Site Advertisements
One of the easiest ways to advertise your company’s products or services is to place ads on the and websites. The size, price and details of our various on-site advertisement options are displayed below.
- 970×90 Header ad – ($100/month or $1000/year)
- 300×250 Sidebar ad -($75/month or $750/year
- 970×90 Footer ad – ($50/month or $500/year)
- All 3 ad spots – ($150/month or $1,800/year)
*Minimum three-month purchase required.
Product/Service Reviews
If you have a product or service you wish to promote, one of the best ways to do this is to have it reviewed in an article on the website. The product reviews that have been conducted on BicycleTouringPro in the past have been proven to result in significant sales for popular products, as these reviews remain on the Bicycle Touring Pro website forever – which is a great way to boost your sales and bring in business over the long run.
Click here to see some of the product reviews that have been done on Bicycle Touring Pro in the past.
Free Product Reviews
If you have a product that you’d like to see reviewed on, go ahead and mail the product to the following address:
Bicycle Touring Pro
201 SE 6th St Apt 213
Des Moines, IA 50309
While there is no charge for the product review itself, we will keep your product and will not be able to return it to you. By sending us your product for review, you are giving us the right to say whatever we want about the product. Whether we love it or hate it, we will give our honest opinion of the product in the finished review and you have no control over what we choose to say about your item.
Due to the number of free products we receive for review, we can not guarantee when your product will be reviewed on the website. It may take us several months to get to your product, have the time to test it out, and then write the finished review for the website. Please do not send in an item for a free product review and then expect it to be posted on the website a week later. These things take time!
If, however, you want to make sure that your product is reviewed on the website in the near future (approximately 1 month or less from the time we receive your item) or you wish to have the product returned to you after the review has been completed, you may be interested in participating in one of our featured product reviews.
Featured Product Reviews
If you wish to have your product reviewed on the website in a timely manner, featured in an email to everyone on the Bicycle Touring Pro email newsletter list, and/or returned to you after the review process has been completed, you may choose to opt for a featured product review.
For small items, such as bells, gloves, water bottles, bike pumps, helmets, etc, the price for a paid product review on is $249 USD.
For larger items, such as bicycles, trailers, solar panels, GPS units, computer applications, books, movies, clothing, etc., the price will depend on the type of product and whether you want the review featured on our social channels, email list, and YouTube channel. The added cost for this type of review has to do with the amount of time required to accurately review your product and write a much longer and more detailed product review.
Guided & Self-Guided Bike Tour Reviews
If you have a service-based business (such as a company that provides guided or self-guided bicycle tours) and you’d like to have your business featured on the website, you may be interested in a service-based review.
For example, you have the opportunity to send me on one of your future bicycle tours. Before, during and after the tour I would be promoting your company, sharing photos and stories from the trip on and on our various social media profiles, I’d write an official review of the tour after it was complete. All this content would remain on the website forever and would work to bring you new customers on a regular basis for years to come.
We have done these types of promotional bike tours with a number of countries all around the world. Here are just a few of the articles, reviews, photos and videos we was able to produce for these companies:
- Bike Switzerland – Challenge Tour
- African Bikers – Garden Route Mountain Mountain Bike Tour
- Rad & Reisen – Danube Waltz Bike Tour Review
- CityBike Ltd. – Latvia & Estonia Bike Tour Review
Now imagine something like this promoting your company on one of the world’s largest bicycle touring websites! It would be a powerful marketing and sales strategy for you and your company.
Bike tour reviews require that you pay for transportation to and from the start of the tour… and that all costs throughout the tour are paid for. Additional costs will depend on the length of the tour, location of the tour, and where you want the review highlighted.
Article Advertising
Finally, one of the best ways to market your company’s products/services on is through a paid guest post or article. This is where YOU write an article for Bicycle Touring Pro about your product/service and then I post it as an independent article on the website. The advantage of this type of marketing is that you can really take the time to explain what makes your product/service different. In addition, you can add photos, show videos, include testimonials, or whatever you want.
The biggest advantage to article marketing on is that the article you produce will remain on the website FOREVER. It will never be taken down and it will continue to bring you traffic and sales for a very long time.
If you choose to advertise through a paid guest post on, there will be a disclaimer at the bottom of the article stating that it is a paid guest post.
Article marketing with costs $395 USD per article for small items (such as books, bike products, etc) and $595 USD for larger items, such as bicycles, bike tours, services, etc. Contact me now for additional information.
Podcast – Become A Sponsor
In 2015 we launched our podcast called the “Bicycle Touring Pro Podcast,” which features informative, humorous, and motivational audio interviews with a wide range of the world’s most interesting and experienced cyclists and adventurers of all sorts.
While bicycle touring, cycling, and world travel remain at the core of each podcast episode, topics of discussion vary slightly. From information on how to find a good travel partner… to stories sharing some of the most rewarding moments from the road… to advice on the best bicycle touring destinations, this show was created to ASSIST, INSPIRE and MOTIVATE people to get outside, see the world, meet new people, make new friends and live a life of true adventure!
See the Bicycle Touring Pro Podcast episodes here.
Audio podcasts like the Bicycle Touring Pro Podcast have become extremely popular in just the last couple years – with people all around the world listening to these entertaining and educational radio-like shows while they’re riding their bike, hiking, camping, working out at the gym, driving in their car, doing housework, etc.
Should you decide to sponsor this new podcast, you would receive a short introduction at the beginning of every podcast episode in which listeners would be told about your company and the services you provide. Your sponsorship message would be recorded into the beginning of each podcast and would be a part of the show, which will be distributed through various podcast platforms and on the website, which now has over 500,000 annual visitors who are uniquely interested in bicycle tours.
Having your company’s marketing message at the beginning of each podcast episode will be a great way for you to:
- Increase your company’s exposure.
- Build goodwill within the bicycle touring community.
- Get your company in front of a new and growing audience of people/customers.
- And sell more of your products, services, bike tours, etc!
You can sponsor a single episode of the Podcast for just $299 USD, two episodes for only $549 USD, or the entire year’s worth of shows for $5,950 USD.
As a sponsor of the Bicycle Touring Pro Podcast:
Your marketing message would be recorded into the podcast episodes forever.
Your company name, marketing message and a link back to your company website would also be included with the podcast show notes on YouTube and on the website – forever!
You’d be building goodwill within the bicycle touring community.
And your company would have instant access to more than 500,000+ people each year – people who are interested in bicycle touring and are actively searching for bike tours to participate in.
If you’re interested in sponsoring the new Bicycle Touring Pro Adventure Podcast (and I hope you are), please email send an email to me at this address.
Joint Ventures/Partnerships/Sponsorships
Finally, if you’re interested in joining forces with Bicycle Touring Pro in a way that is not mentioned on this page, please get in contact with me via email. I am happy to discuss any joint ventures, partnerships, ad campaigns, and/or sponsorship deals you may have in mind. Click here to contact me via email. If you would like to speak over the phone or via Zoom, shoot me a message and we can get something set up. Thank you!
If you are interested in advertising and/or sponsoring Bicycle Touring Pro… or if you have a question/comment/concern about anything mentioned here, please send an email to: I’m happy to answer any questions you might have… and I look forward to working with you.