The bicycle you select for your travels is the most important piece of bicycle touring gear you’ll ever need to purchase. Pick the right bicycle for your trip and you’ll be sure to come home with those wonderful bicycle touring memories you’ve been dreaming about. But pick the wrong bicycle and your trip could be over before it’s even had a chance to begin.
The Essential Guide To Touring Bicycles is a book and video course designed to teach you about the different types of touring bicycles, their various uses, and most importantly – to help you select the right bicycle for the type of bicycle tour that you wish to participate in.
When you sign up for The Essential Guide To Touring Bicycles, you will receive:
The PDF eBook – The Essential Guide To Touring Bicycles
Access to the world’s largest touring bicycle directory
The 14-part instructional video course on touring bikes.
And the bonus PDF eBook – A Buyer’s Guide To Bicycle Touring Panniers & Trailers
Register for the book and video course now using the button below and you’ll be taken to a page where you can make payment via Credit Card or PayPal. As soon as your order has been processed, you will gain immediate access to the eBooks and videos inside The Essential Guide To Touring Bicycles.