It’s been over a year now since my last long distance bicycle tour and I’m getting a bit antsy. I just watched “A Map For Saturday” and now all I can think about is travel. The problem is I’m busy with work, I’ve got too many responsibilities, I don’t have much money, and the last thing I should be doing right now is going off on yet another bicycle adventure.
But when I think about it, maybe another bicycle trip is exactly what I need?
After my interview with world traveler and documentary filmmaker, Brook Silva-Braga, I knew I needed to get back out on my bike. My recent trip to Aruba was great, but it was way too short. I want to see the world, explore by bike, and have the time of my life. It just seems that if I stay here at home any longer I’ll be wasting my life away in front of the computer. I love where I live and my way of life is incredible, but I want to see the world!
If you are anything like me, you’ve probably felt the same way at one point or another yourself. You want to travel. You want to explore the world by bike. You want to meet new people and experience new things… but something is holding you back.
Over the years I’ve talked to hundreds of people on my travels that have said they would like to travel by bike and explore the world, but they just don’t think they can do it.
They think they have too many responsibilities. They think they are too old. Too young. Too rich. Too poor. Their job is too important. They can’t leave their family. They don’t think their parents would approve. They don’t want to leave their boyfriend or girlfriend. They are afraid to leave their doctor. They are afraid of what the neighbors will think. They don’t want to camp. They don’t want to sleep in hostels. They are afraid of other people. They are afraid of the wilderness. They are afraid of riding in traffic. They are simply afraid!
The list goes on and on. The excuses are endless. I’ve been hearing these excuses for years and I’m getting sick of it. I understand where people are coming from, but at the same time I just don’t understand why people are so stuck in their ways.
In an attempt to stop the excuses and help more people go for the things they want in life, I’ve prepared a 5-part series on how to plan a bicycle tour. This series will walk you step-by step through exactly what you need to do to plan, prepare for, and execute a journey by bike.
If you have been dreaming of taking off on a bicycle adventure, but have been holding back because of one excuse or another, please check back soon for the first of five installments in my series, “How To Plan A Bicycle Tour 6 Months In Advance.”