Grab A Free Membership From The Adventure Cycling Association (A $20 Value)

The Adventure Cycling Association is giving away 150 FREE memberships to readers!

To claim your free membership (a $20 value), simply click here.

Your free membership includes:

  • 9 issues of Adventure Cyclist magazine
  • Discounts on Adventure Cycling maps
  • Members-only access to special areas of the website
  • The Cyclosource catalog – the organization’s book, map & gear guide
  • And access to Adventure Cycling’s specially organized tours

This offer is good for new members only… and you must currently be living in the United States.

If you’re not already a member of the Adventure Cycling Association and you’d like to learn more about bicycle touring from America’s bicycle travel experts, just click here and claim your FREE MEMBERSHIP.

What Is The Adventure Cycling Association?

Besides the fact that the Adventure Cycling Association is responsible for nearly 40,000 miles of mapped routes in the United States and offers some of the best cycling resources in the world for bicycle travelers, they continuously offer up the inspiration needed to get new participants out on the road and living their own bicycle touring dreams.

When I first started traveling with my bicycle, it was the Adventure Cycling Association that helped me get my start. It was through their magazine, their maps, and their resources that I first learned how to pack my panniers, pick a touring bike, and plan my own self-supported bike tours.

The organization is constantly working to create superb resources, routes, and tours to traveling cyclists in the United States.

If you are even the slightest bit interested in learning about bicycle touring and you want to learn more about the Adventure Cycling Association and what they do to help bicycle travel here in the U.S., then a free membership is a fantastic way to do just that.

Get your free Adventure Cycling Association membership here.

Hurry: There are only 150 of these free memberships to give away, so if you want one, you need to act fast!


4 thoughts on “Grab A Free Membership From The Adventure Cycling Association (A $20 Value)

  1. Mike Langsdale says:

    Thanks! Glad I went online after work tonight. Too bad I already purchased my maps for this summer. Guess I’ll just have to plan early for my next trip and stock up on maps!

  2. dpeach says:

    Thanks! I just signed up. I am currently in South America but will be returning home to the US at the end of the summer. I look forward to the magazines waiting for me when I return.

  3. Anthony says:

    Thanks you for all your post… I am passing it to friends hopefully they are finding it an enjoyable experience

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