Presecan Olimpiu Rides His Bike 5,800 Kilometers In 18 Days

Presecan Olimpiureise-2013-258

Please tell me where you went on your bicycle tour and how many days you were on the road.

I started in Cabo de Sao Vicente and I cycled to Warsaw, Poland. After that I went to  Romania (Sibiu). I was on the bike for 18 days and covered approximately 5,800 km during this time. It was amazing!

Did you have any fears when you first started planning your bicycle tour?

I didn’t have any fears myself, but my family was concerned about me, so that wasn’t so easy for them.

What was your favorite moment from your bicycle tour?

When I saw the shooting stars in Sierra Central and when I proved to myself that I can cycle further and further every time.

What was the biggest mistake you made during your bike tour?

I hope this is advice to everyone who reads this: Never go on a tour with a road bike pulling a trailer! It’s hard and if you have too much weight on your trailer you will have problems. (Note from Darren: This is why it is so important that you use the right type of bicycle on your tours. I cover this in great detail inside The Essential Guide To Touring Bicycles. Read it!)

What else did you learn from your bicycle?

Try to drink a lot of energy boosters when you cycle in hot places.

Learn a little bit of the local language before you start your trip (English it isn’t so common everywhere in the world).

Try to eat a lot because you burn twice as much on a bicycle tour as you would during your normal training days.

Do you think you’ll conduct more bicycle tours in the future? If so, where do you want to go? And why do you want to go there?

YES!!!!!! Next year I want to go from Norway to Sicilien over Gottgart. After that I want to cycle through the Sahara desert. Why ? Because I can and I want to prove to myself that I can do it.


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