8 Super Cycling/Travel Websites You Should Know About

If you’re looking for some new websites to read and enjoy, be sure to check out the following eight sites, each of which is unique, interesting, and educational. Highly recommended!


The Travellete website is a travel site designed for women and run by women. The site, which consists of hundreds of great travel-related articles, is run by a team of young female travel writers. With several different writers contributing to the site on a regular basis, the articles vary greatly – with articles appearing on the subjects of food and drink, how-to, must-see locations, travel stories from the road, travel planning advice, stories of love and romance on the road, and a whole lot more.

Bicycle Travel Network

The Bicycle Travel Network is a site I helped to create along with fellow travel writers: Alastiar Humphries, Tom Kevill-Davies and Kate Harris. The site, which was officially launched in early 2010 was created to help young, first time bicycle travelers get their start in the bicycle touring world. In addition to all the great content on the website, we give out scholarship money to several first-time bike travelers each year – money that they can these use to help fund their own cycling touring adventures. We gave out our first round of scholarship money earlier this year and we plan to give out a second batch of scholarships in the spring of 2011.


Alastair Humphreys

You’ve probably heard of Alastair Humphreys. He spent four years cycling around the world and subsequently wrote two complete novels about his journey. Since that time, Alastair has participated in a ton of wild and crazy outdoor adventures… he speaks to large audiences about what he has learned from his travels… and he runs an extremely popular website about adventure, travel, and living your life to its fullest.



travel website

I have no idea what the name of their website means, but Robin and Amanda (the two Sweeds that run the oddly named website) are currently hitchhiking their way from Poland to India. There are a ton of travel websites out there, but this one really stands out to me for some reason. One of the things Robin and Amanda do on their site that I like so much is that they interview the drivers who pick them up and give them rides. And while these interviews are often difficult to understand (as their drivers usually do not speak the best English) the answers received during these “hitchhike interviews” are truly unique and inspirational.


Adventure Monkey

The Adventure Monkey website is an awesome little site filled with wonderful photographs and inspirational dialogue. The Adventure Monkey site isn’t very old, but it has quickly grown a loyal following of devoted fans (I am one of them!). Beyond the blog itself, there is also an Adventure Monkey magazine and the website’s creator, Eric Benjamin, has recently started conducting his own tours.


The Hungry Cyclist

If you love to eat and ride your bike, the Hungry Cyclist website is where you need to be. Created and managed by The Hungry Cyclist himself, Tom Kevill-Davies, this website is one of the best websites in the world for people who love to travel, ride a bike, and discover interesting and tasty new dishes.


Jessica Hart

I was a little hesitant to even put this website on the list at all, because it’s not really a travel or cycling website per-say. In reality, it is the personal blog of gap-toothed model, Jessica Hart. The reason I’ve included Jessica’s website on this list however, is because each new article that is posted to her site is like a digital postcard from a far off land. As Jessica jets across the globe on numerous photo shoots and jobs, she shares her adventures on her website, often times posting photos of herself and her friends riding their bicycles in various cities all over the world. A gorgeous girl that travels the world, rides a bike, and enjoys blogging. Who wouldn’t want to follow a website like that?


London Cyclist

Finally, this list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the London Cyclist website. The site is filled with tons of useful information for residents of London and anyone in the world who simply wants to get out and ride their bicycle more often. Sign up for the free London Cyclist newsletter, get two free eBooks, and receive regular weekly updates from the website. Whether you live in London or not, the London Cyclist website is one digital property you need to check out for yourself.


So there it is! 8 websites I recommend for people who are interested in cycling and world travel. What other websites or blogs would you recommend?


3 thoughts on “8 Super Cycling/Travel Websites You Should Know About

  1. Tom says:

    Darren, Great sites.! Have you seen theworldtri.com ? Our local guy, Charlie Whitmack, quit his lawyer job sold his home and took his wife and young child to england to start the worlds largest tri. he is to swim the channel, bike to Nepal and climb everst. He is the only iowan to sumit Everst in 2003. I just thought it was an adventure you my find interesting. PS- the web site my not be up to date..they are short on money , help and time. Thanks… have fun.

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