It’s always a good idea to carry an extra few rack screws on your bicycle tours. These little things are notorious for wiggling themselves free while you spend long hard days in the saddle. With all the gear you’re bound to be carrying, the loss of a rack screw could mean a disastrous end to your bike rack… and your ability to carry any of your gear.
Before you leave home, go to your local bike shop or hardware store and pick up at least two extra screws for your tour. Most bike shops won’t charge you for them… and if they do, it won’t be much more than a quarter a piece.
After you’ve got the screws in your possession, put them somewhere safe inside your panniers (or trailer). They’re small, so don’t lose them.
When your first rack screw wiggles itself free, you’ll be glad you heeded my advice and took the time to collect these few spare parts before leaving home on your own bicycle touring adventure.
If, before departing on a tour you remove, clean and apply blue Loctite to all the screws/bolts&nuts that hold your racks to the frame and then properly tighten them you won’t have them coming loose.
That’s a very good tip Jay. I will have to try that. Thanks!
any screws or specific screws for my own bicycle?
Nish, most bicycles use the same type of screw for mounting your racks and water bottle cages. That’s the type of screw you want to carry extras of. Make sure you test the screws before you leave on tour to be sure they fit your bicycle. You can usually get these screws for free or for very cheap from your local bike shop.