The basic equipment needed for bicycle touring is really rather simple. To get started you will need:
- A bicycle.
- Some way of carrying your belongings (whether it be in a trailer or a set of panniers).
- Camping equipment ((if you choose to camp) such as a tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, etc.).
- A stove and the appropriate fuel ((if you choose to cook your own food) plus utensils and a cooking pot).
- Bicycle tools (such as a multi-tool, spare tube, patch kit, etc.).
- Clothing (i.e. shorts, shirts, rain jacket, shoes, etc.).
- Safety gear (such as a helmet and light).
- Technological devices (such as a cell phone, camera, GPS, etc.).
- Food and water.
- And any personal items you might choose to bring along.
Detailed packing lists for a bike tour of any length can be found inside: The Bicycle Touring Blueprint – the best book on the planet for planning, preparing for, and executing a bike tour of any kind, anywhere in the world.