I’m leaving for Peru in less than two weeks and as the day of my final departure draws nearer, I’m starting to realize just how comfortable I am here at home. I love it here actually, so it feels a bit strange (and scary) to be packing up and preparing to leave.
The advantage to leaving, however, is that with a departure date already set in stone, I now realize (more than ever) that my time here is precious. And because I know I’ll be leaving soon, I seem to appreciate the little things I have RIGHT NOW all that much more.
That’s why, in moments like this, just days before leaving one location and heading off to another, I start to realize just how good I’ve got it. I wake up in the morning knowing that my time here is limited and valuable; I smile on my way to the supermarket, loving every second of the cold air blowing on my face; And I do my best to remember the way things look, feel and smell as I go about my day.
Knowing that my time here is running out makes me appreciate the things I’ve got right now, because I know that one day soon I’ll have to muster up the courage to pack my bags, lock the front door and leave everything I know behind.
One of travel’s biggest benefits is learning to be PRESENT – to be totally absorbed in the moments you are living at this point in time.
There’s no better reminder of this than those last few days before you leave one location in preparation for another.
So, as I go about my last few days here at home before flying off to Peru on a 6-month bicycle touring adventure, here is my reminder to you:
No matter where you are (whether you are at home, on the road, or somewhere in between) learn to appreciate everything you’ve got. Even the little things.
Its good to know that you have enjoyed your trip in Peru. I’m sure there will be lots of adventures to share and experiences money can’t buy. Just to let you know that your I appreciate your sharings via your website. They have been an encouragement to me as well as a pleasure read ing them.
I myself has been preparing and planning to do my 1st bike tour for 3 months already since August 2010. I hope I will have exciting stories and experiences to share as you did. Wish me best of luck!
Have a safe flight back home!
Joe, The Journeyman cyclist
Oops I think I have read wrongly, you are going there now.. Not coming back. Knowing that you are leaving makes you appreciate all the present things much more. For myself, I think its a good reminder as I’ve been busy planning, catching up with friends, trainning for the trip that I forget to stop and smell the roses. Sometimes, it just takes a lazy afternoon to realize that.
Oh well, bon voyage! And have a safe trip in Peru
Joe, the Journeyman cyclist