As world travel becomes more popular for “bicycle tourists”, I think there is going to an increasing desire for touring bikes that can handle any sort of road conditions one might encounter. While traditional touring bikes are great for most long distance bike tours, an extended trip on dirt roads and narrow single-track trails is going to require a more sturdy and reliable steed.
Here you see the Koga-Miyata WolrdTraveller Touring Bike, decked out with fenders, kickstand, front and rear rack, lights, water bottles, pump, and most important of all… 26 inch wheels.
Why are 26 inch wheels so important? Because when you travel around the world, 26 inch wheels are the easiest to find. Many remote parts of the world do not sell 700c tires or tubes, so having a bike with parts that can be purchased and/or repaired along the way is of utmost importance.
Mark Beaumont used one of these type of bikes on his world record breaking world trip.(Since broken). He swore by the gear hub type of gears over the standard type.But it is very hard to find a bike with these gears and a 3 chain ring up front..they have to be special ordered or adapted by the purchaser. The guy that took his record had a bike with a Belt drive. The technology of bike design is on the move…belt drives, more hydraulic disk breaks and soon the one side fork will make its debut. I have just re-started my love affair with the bicycle after 30 years on motorcycles…I soon found the regular seat caused me such pain and discomfort that I would have to quit before I really got started…until I bought a Moon all is good again.
26 vs 700 it is true that 26 tires are more avalable than 700 but… In the middle of no were their is no bike shop and when you go to a small shop they will have very low quality tyres. So you need to carry a least one spare tyres and you will find good tyres in big shoop in the main city. Since most of the time you will drive on pave road 700 are still a good option.
it is true, but in the middle of nowhere you might buy a used tyre from a local and that will get you to the next town. plus 26 wheels have a huge advantage as far as spoke breakage is concerned
I ride a classic chrome molly touring bike built 28 years ago. Originally it had 27″ wheels, and I had 700C wheels put on them and simply adjusted the cantilever brakes. In all the years of touring, including some pretty rough roads, but not pure desert, I have managed with tires no wide than 35c. I do carry a spare folding tire which is available where ever you might be and spare spokes.
Happy cycling,
I don’t know Tony. Get in touch with someone at the company and ask.
Koga has changed it’s approach concerning the trekking bikes.
Now, they’re called “signature”, and you can totally customize everything.
Check this out:
Tony , Salsa bicycles may have touring bicycle or touring bicycle frame for you .
avevo una bella koga myata world traveller ruote 26 mi è stata rubata :desiderei ricomprarla anche usata .Nuova mi viene riproposta con ruote da 29 sinceramente
non mi entusiasma Quello che la rendeva unica ed accattivante erano le ruote piccole così mi sembra un pò “cavallona “
The World Traveller -(from three years ago at least)-ships with tyres that are called Continental- Travel Contact, but we have found them to be very inadequate. They appear to be very good tyre- the rubber is good and hard and so forth, but the sidewalls deteriorate rapidly.
In our case, three of our four original tyres have become useless after less than 4000km; while the rubber looks as though it would easily go for another 4000km.
They get longditudinal rips along the line where the ‘bead’ meets the sidewall, and other rips on the diagonal up the sides of the tyres.
Meanwhile we know from the numerous touring cyclist types we run into that Schwalbes are commonly getting 10,000km- and only cost slightly more.
They’re not cheap tyres- I know because I have spares, but they are not worth the money.
I’m surprised that Koga is using them on their flagship World Traveller bikes. I’m also surprised that I can find nowhere online to write to them privately and tell them about this issue without doing so in this more public kind of way.
Otherwise the bikes are fantastic. The best I’ve ever owned and I don’t see how anyone could improve upon them.
totally agree
I need a new fender for my Koga World Traveler, where can I get one ???
You can get them anywhere. What size wheels does the bike have? 26 inch? 700c? The wheel/tire size is what dictates the size of the fenders you need. Just go here: and you will see all the different fenders options that are available to you.
I have a 26″- World Traveller that I was using on my around the world bicycle tour. IN 2014 I was hit by a car and thought my bike survived well. I am now physically recovered and took my bike in for some minor repairs and noticed the frame was bent. We measured it and with the amount of bend, it is unsafe to ride.
I am now looking to sell it for parts. The wheels are excellent and other parts like bar ends, rear rack, seat post etc., are in excellent shape if anyone is looking.
Nobody spoke yet about one big advantage of the 26″ wheel. Try to put it on a car, lift/elevator, etro, train, rtc.
etro =>metro
I cannot believe Koga do not have a store or distributor in Australia…I have never had the money to buy one until now but freight to Melbourne is huge .Now, Europe is too dangerous to cycle with the virus and our borders are closed. I cycled through India and Nepal last year on a cheap bike which I bought in Kathmandu. Never again and so dangerous. Indians are lovely people but the drivers are madmen.150000 killed every year.
I managed to buy a 2nd hand Koga Miyata World Traveller on Gumtree in Oz, only AUD 900. I have also seen Thorn Nomad Mk II, just have to check daily and be patient.
Can’t wait to try it out on my next tour in WA. Up to now been using a Roberts Rough Stuff with drop bars, excited to find out how the Koga compares.
Check out my YouTube channel “The Constant Cyclist” next video will feature Koga World Traveller
I cannot understand why there is no distributor for koga bikes in oz and also nz